Equation to convert from M-Notation to Snellen-Notation
Test distance / M letter size = 20ft / Snellen letter size
Relative Size magnification equation
Relative Size Magnification = New object size / Original object size
Near Point of Focus equation
Near Point = 100 / (Distance Spectacle Prescription + Amplitude ofAccommodation)
What are the most common cancers to cause death in the use for women (frommost to least common)
lung, breast, colon
What are the most common cancers in the use for men (from most to leastcommon)
prostate, lung, colon
Broca-Sulzer Effect
Flashes for a duration of 50-100 ms (which is above our threshold) are perceived asbeing brighter than shorter or longer flash durations. This is associated withproviding our photoreceptors with optimal visual variance.
Absolute Hyperopia
The residual hyperopia when the patient is engaging all of their accommodation.
What type of visual field defects will be caused by lesions in the Parietal vs.
Temporal lobes?A Parietal lobe lesion will cause an Inferior quadrantanopia, while a Temporallobe lesion will cause a Superior quadrantanopia. PITS: Parietal = Inferior,Temporal = Superior.
What are the zones of Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)?
1. A circle centered around the optic nerve head (ONH) in which the radius isthe distance between the ONH and the fovea.2. A circle centered around the optic nerve head (ONH) in which the radius isthe distance between the ONH and nasal ora...
What are the stages of Retinopahty of Prematurity (ROP)?
1. Flat demarcation line separating the vascular from the avascular peripheralretina.2. The demarcation line is ridged/elevated.3. Fibrovascular proliferation or neovascularization along the demarcationline.4. Partial retinal detachment, further...